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Customer Experience Management Definition

Customer experience management is defined as, “The practice of designing and reacting to customer interactions to meet or exceed customer expectations and, thus, increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy” as defined by Gartner.

Customer experience can be defined as the aggregate of all experiences that a customer has with a brand. It includes all areas such as the pre-purchase stage, purchase stage, transaction, and feedback stage. 

Customer experience management is all about creating and delivering personalized customer experiences that will attract them not just to be loyal to your brand, but also to spread the excellent experience with their family and friends, which thus becomes the most precious form of advertising.

Customer Experience Management Advantages

1. Creates brand loyal advocates:

Great customer experience will enhance the overall brand experience for your customers, which compels them to recommend your brand on different social media groups. By delivering consistently great customer experience, a brand can build a brigade of brand advocates who will willingly take up to promote your brand by word of mouth and on social media.  

2. Better customer retention:

When an organization delivers great customer experience, it automatically improves customer retention. Research also has proved that when a company offers a good customer experience, they are more likely to come back and become repeat customers, thereby improving customer retention. 

3. Higher conversion rates:

Customers who are treated well with care and who are made to feel special, tend to increase conversion rates. Personalizing all interactions with customers, whether it’s in-person or online, can increase sales up to 20%. 

Customer Experience Management Example

Customer experience is all about leaving customers with a good feeling about your brand. 

See how Southwest Airlines demonstrated excellent customer experience management by going above and beyond to serve their customers. A passenger who had booked a flight to Denver to meet his grandson for the last time was late due to heavy traffic. But the pilot went that extra mile and waited for the passenger for 12 minutes so the passenger can see his grandson for the last time.