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Very insightful and interesting. Decisions need not wait for several weeks now.

– Violeta Niculae

Strategy & Innovation Manager, KWS Seminte

Clootrack gave actionable insights for our prod roadmap. Quickest way to assess market sentiments at sub segment level.

– Azhar Iqbal

CEO, Inshorts

Ours is a specialized niche. For any one to find insights like Clootrack you have to spend at least a year in the industry

– Radu Atanasescu

Marketing Director, Setrio

Very insightful and interesting. Decisions need not wait for several weeks now.

Violeta Niculae

Strategy & Innovation Manager, KWS Seminte

Clootrack gave actionable insights for our prod roadmap. Quickest way to assess market sentiments at sub segment level.

Azhar Iqbal

CEO, Inshorts

Ours is a specialized niche. For any one to find insights like Clootrack you have to spend at least a year in the industry

Radu Atanasescu

Marketing Director, Setrio

How It Works?

Fetch Customer Conversations

Clootrack obtains conversations online & in private enterprise data.





 Online Discussion  

Social Media  

Open Text NPS 

Analysis by AI Engine

Proprietary deep learning algorithms, based on proven mathematical models slice & dice the data. Topics, relationships and tone intensities are drilled down to identify patterns, correlations & inferences at multiple levels.

Insight Discovery

Clootrack cognitively scores and ranks patterns to extract elements that matter. Clootrack is a machine, and so unbiased!

See Your Brand Through The Eyes of Your Customer

Explore Latest Case Studies

Top 5 Customer Experience Insights From Consumer Analysis of Watches

We’ve all had customer experiences that range from awesome to infuriating. Over the last few years, watches have gained significant popularity as a fashion accessory as well as a fitness accessory. Lately, watches are recognized as a status symbol and come with a combination of style and technology. Consumers often choose a watch that gives them the highest utility, and thus consumers’ preferences can be easily observed through their choices. It is found that style, design, and quality have a significant influence on the process of determining preferences. This report aims to help watch manufacturers understand what truly drives a great customer experience.

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Customer Experience of Airport Passengers in Asia – Pre and Post-COVID

Will airport customer experience be affected by COVID-19? Many airport passengers will probably refrain from flying for some time to come, but most of us will come back to an airport at some point. After COVID, airports need to continuously offer new ways to improve customer experience by keeping passengers safe, healthy, socially distanced and reassured overall. In this report, we present the findings on customer experiences that are linked to airport passengers pre and post-covid.

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Customer Experience of Airport Passengers in the US – Pre and Post-COVID

Customer experience is essential for airports. In an increasingly competitive market, airports that offer passengers the best customer experience will win over their competitors. COVID-19 is posing far-reaching challenges to US Airports, and their interconnected systems. Nevertheless, in the coming years, the pandemic can accelerate investments in smart technologies and completely reshape US Airports based on changing consumer behavior.

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